
The workshops are practical refreshers about 2 hours long. Sufficient time is afforded to interact with the trainer, network with other teachers, and exchange teaching experiences. Most sessions are followed by a short question and answer session.



1: How to Set Up a Debating Program?
by Kate Shuster
Audience: All educators

2: Debate Session: Teachers' records should be public knowledge
by Kate Shuster
Audience: All educators

3: Building the Heart of Successful Schools

by Stephen Sroka, Ph.D.
Audience: All educators

4: Brain Based Learning for the Whole Child- 25 Free Tips to Help You Reach and Teach Students

by Stephen Sroka, Ph.D.
Audience: All educators

5: Guided Inquiry: Allowing Students to take the Lead

by Anthony Cody
Audience: All science teachers

6: Writing in Science: Strategies for Understanding

by Anthony Cody
Audience: All science teachers

7: Assessment in Science

by Anthony Cody
Audience: All science teachers, administrators, department heads

8: Differentiated Instruction in Science
by Anthony Cody
Audience: All science teachers, department heads

9: Motivating Life-long Learners: Rigor, Relevance and 21st Century Literacy for Elementary Teachers

by Peter Pappas

Audience: Elementary Teachers / Grades 1-5

10: Motivating Life-long Learners: Rigor, Relevance and 21st Century Literacy for Middle and High School Level Teachers

by Peter Pappas

Audience: Middle and High School Teachers

11: Instructional Leadership for Life-Long Learning

by Peter Pappas

Audience: Administrators and instructional leaders

12: Successfully Navigating the Interview for a Teaching Position

by Trae Stewart, Ph.D.

Audience: All teachers, especially new teachers, mentor teachers, heads of departments, administrators

13: Using Podcasts in Your Classroom

by Trae Stewart, Ph.D.

Audience: All teachers

14: Best Practices to Teaching and Learning Online

by Trae Stewart, Ph.D.

Audience: All teachers

15: Curricular and Pedagogical Strategies for a Culturally Affirming Classroom

by Trae Stewart, Ph.D.

Audience: All teachers and administrators

16: Time Management

by Kay Allen, Ph.D.

Audience: All teachers, administrators, parents, and students

17: Embracing Diversity in the Multicultural Classroom

by Kay Allen, Ph.D.

Audience: All teachers

18: Developmentally Appropriate Instruction and Motivation

by Kay Allen, Ph.D.

Audience: All teachers

19: Supervision of and Professional Development for teachers

by Kay Allen, Ph.D.

Audience: All teachers and administrators

20: Introducing a Protocol for Structured Conversations about Student Learning

by Erma Anderson

Audience: Math and Science department heads, administrators

21: Efforts to improve instruction and the quality of student work must include attention to providing equitable access to challenging curriculum and instructional support

by Erma Anderson

Audience: Math and Science teachers and heads of departments

22: Conversations about Student Learning Using a Protocol for Structured Conversations

by Erma Anderson

Audience: Teachers- beginners/experienced

23: Connecting Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction in the Mathematics classroom

by Erma Anderson

Audience: Administrators/Department heads

24: Why Can’t they Keep Up? Understanding Characteristics and Learning Styles of “Slow Learners”

by Alison Schofield

Audience: Teachers of all levels

25: Creating an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.) for Students with Special Needs

by Alison Schofield

Audience: Teachers of all levels

26: Facilitation skills in problem-based learning

by Glen O'Grady

Audience: High school and tertiary level teachers

27: Designing problems that trigger learning

by Glen O'Grady

Audience: High school and tertiary level teachers

28: Comment utiliser les albums pour la jeunesse à l’école ? Quelques animations.
1ère partie

by Hasmig Chaninian

Public: Enseignants des classes primaires, bibliothécaires, responsables des classes primaires

29: Comment utiliser les albums pour la jeunesse à l’école? Quelques animations. 2ème partie

by Hasmig Chaninian

Public: Enseignants des classes primaires, bibliothécaires, responsables des classes primaires

مِنَ الإصغاء إلى التّعبير
سلطان ناصر الدّين
الحضور: مدرسو اللّغة العربيّة في الصفوف 6,5,4

كيف نقرأ نصًّا قراءة فهم واستيعاب؟
سلطان ناصر الدّين
الحضور: مدرسو اللّغة العربيّة في المرحلة الإعداديّة

32: المَعرفة قوّة... كيف ننمّيها لدى الأطفال؟
سلطان ناصر الدّين
الحضور: مدرسو اللّغة العربيّة في السّنوات الابتدائيّة الأولى

33: تعلّم الفيزياء بواسطة التقصي
الدكتور كامل سليم الدلاّل
الحضور: مدرسو الفيزياء في المرحلة المتوسطة

34: !!مهارات طرق وعمليات العلم
الدكتور كامل سليم الدلاّل
الحضور: مدرسو العلوم في المرحلة الابتدائية

35: ورشة قراءة وكتابة داخل صف اللغة العربية - الجزء الاول
هنادي ديّة
الحضور: مدرسو اللغة العربية ومنسّقوها

36: ورشة قراءة وكتابة داخل صف اللغة العربية - الجزء الثاني
هنادي ديّة
الحضور: مدرسو اللغة العربية ومنسّقوها

37: الغناء - الرسم - التلوين تعليم الحروف عن طريق الحركة الجسمية
عادل الضبع
الحضور: المدرسون المبتدئون والقدامى

38: أسماء الإشارة - تقديم فكرة المثنى وفكرة الجنس من خلال تدريس الضمائر
عادل الضبع
الحضور: المدرسون المبتدئون والقدامى لغير الناطقين باللغة العربية

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A Rearden Educational Conference