
Rearden Educational only deals with veteran trainers from around the globe. It is paramount that these experts possess a rich background in education and an ability to organize practical “hands on” workshops. Trainers all have international experience in conducting workshops and training sessions to help enrich your teaching performance.


Keynote Speaker: Stephen R. Sroka, Ph.D.

Steve grew up in poverty in a housing project in a single parent family. His third grade report card read, “Parent notified boy is retarded.” In the ninth grade, after being involved in a school fight, he had two hip operations and was told that he may never walk again. The doctor told him he better start to listen to his teachers. And, as he tells students today, the more he listened, the smarter the teachers became.

Education was the only way out of the ghetto for Steve. When he graduated from high school, he worked full-time to get his family off welfare before entering college. His childhood offered unique challenges that helped him become a better educator.

Today, Dr. Stephen Sroka is an internationally recognized speaker, trainer, author, teacher and educational consultant. He often presents about at-risk youth, alternative education, reluctant learners, dropout prevention, brain based education, teacher and parent education, school safety, and academic and life achievement. Over the past 30 years, he has spoken thousands of times in schools (K-12) including six school systems recently in the news with school violence, as well as in hospitals, colleges, churches, Indian reservations, clinics, and various community settings. He consults to departments of education and health throughout the USA and world, including Guam, England, Switzerland, Guatemala, Canada, and the Cayman Islands.

He has made hundreds of professional presentations locally, nationally and internationally. He has keynoted many national/international conferences including ASCD, NASSP, NMSA, NASRO, DARE, NCPC, SSAC, NISBA, UNITY, BIE, NASN, SSWAA, PRIDE, AAFCS, NDPN, IATDP, NSSSC, NAEHCY, NAASBMA, NYAR, and AAIE. He was invited to the President’s White House Conference on School Safety.

He is an Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Division of Adolescent Health, Case Western Reserve University, an Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Education at Cleveland State University and President of his company, Health Education Consultants.

He has authored a dozen books and over 30 articles. His Educator’s Guide to HIV/AIDS and other STD’s (1st edition in 1984 and now in its 52nd printing) is recommended by the U.S. Department of Education, and by former Surgeon General Koop who has personally commended Dr. Sroka for his “pioneering efforts to educate the nation’s school-age populations.” His prophetic article, “It Takes a Child to Raze a Village: Proficiency or Reality Testing?” was written before Columbine.

Dr. Sroka’s spirited presentations stressing the importance of “Just Say Know” and “The Power of One” have resulted in guest appearances on many TV programs, including the Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as coverage in many newspapers including USA Today.

Dr. Sroka received the Outstanding School Health Educator Award from the American School Health Association, was selected the Disney Outstanding Health Teacher of the Year, and was inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame. He has been chosen as an Expert in Residence for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation three times. But his most meaningful “award” was his six-year-old daughter telling him that he was smarter than the cartoon character, Inspector Gadget. Obviously, his wife does not agree.



Kate Shuster

Kate Shuster is the Executive Director of the Middle School Public Debate Program, the world’s largest debating program for young adolescents. She is also the Director of Claremont Colleges National Debate Outreach, based at Claremont McKenna College in California. She is the co-author of four textbooks, including “Speak Out! Debate and Public Speaking in the Middle Grades,” and “On That Point! An Introduction to Parliamentary Debate.” She has directed dozens debating workshops in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and is a regular presenter at literacy and education workshops. She is a Ph.D. candidate at Claremont Graduate University’s School of Educational Studies and a senior statistical consultant on a number of educational evaluation projects.

Peter Pappas

President of Edteck, Peter Pappas is an American-based educator and trainer. His extensive experience and passion for teaching and learning enable him to offer unique insights into current instructional strategies and the fundamental roles literacy and critical thinking play in students’ lives. Each day over a thousand viewers visit his website to read his blog and access his instructional resources, projects and publications.

Anthony Cody

After 18 years as a science teacher in Oakland, California, Anthony Cody now leads a team of experienced science teacher-coaches who support the many teachers in his school district. He is a National Board-certified teacher, an active member of the teacher Leaders Network, and publishes a blog on Teacher Magazine.

Trae Stewart, Ph.D.

Dr. Trae Stewart is an Assistant Professor in the College of Education at the University of Central Florida. He earned a Ph.D. in International & Intercultural Education from the University of Southern California. Dr. Stewart has served as co-editor of two books and has authored numerous book chapters and journal articles. His research interests include service-learning, adolescent development, and teacher education. Dr. Stewart has conducted various teacher education workshops at academic conferences and professional development meetings, and he most recently consulted for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Palestine.

Kay Allen, Ph.D.

Dr. Kay W. Allen is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida. She earned a Ph.D. in the Psychological and Sociological Foundations of Education from the University of South Carolina. Dr. Allen’s professional interests include lifespan human development and learning, multicultural and international education, teacher professional development, and teaching and learning online. She has worked in these fields and presented workshops on these topics in Southeast Asia, South America, Southern Africa, Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and the United States.


Erma Anderson

Erma Anderson is a science and mathematics consultant with the Office of Overseas School AERO project and other schools and organizations including BEST (Building Engineering and Science Talent), the Biotechnology Institute, High School Redesign project, Modern Red Schoolhouse Institute and America’s Choice. Prior to her consulting work, she worked with the National Science Teacher’s Association on several projects including, Program Manager for Teacher Mentoring Initiative e-Mentoring for Student Success (eMSS). the development and implementation of the Teacher Center, a series of summer workshops for teachers of middle school on implementation of the National Science Education Standards, development of the National Standards Awareness kits, development of sciLINKS ( and Project Manager of Scope, Sequence and Coordination of Secondary School Science.

Prior to NSTA, she was an Einstein Fellow in the United States Senate and a Senior Program Officer with the National Research Council assisting in the development of the National Science Education Standards.

She was Assistant Project Director of the Council for Basic Education’s Schools Around the World ( project, facilitated the development of several state and district science and mathematics curriculum frameworks, and consulted with ACHIEVE in international benchmarking of science standards. She worked with Education Trust to review the alignment of state exit standards to college entrance exams and in the evaluation of teacher education exams (Report entitled Not Good Enough).

She taught high-school science and mathematics and has considerable experience developing and facilitating workshops with formal and informal mathematics and science education entities such as Kidsnet, Science Friday, Jason Academy, Educational Field Studies; National Institute of Medicine; United States Forestry Service; National Park Service, school districts, and states.


Alison Schofield

Alison is a teacher, practitioner, visionary and advocate in the field of disability and special needs education. She holds Master of Teaching and Psychology degrees from Canada where she also obtained a Special Education qualification and college diploma in Developmental Services. Alison has worked as a Coordinator and Behaviour Therapist with hard-to-serve individuals with autism, developmental and psychiatric disorders. As an educator, she has taught in both regular and special education settings. She has lived in the U.A.E. for the past 4 years. Currently she is working as an independent consultant while writing her first book, an educational resource.


Glen O'Grady

Glen O'Grady is currently the Director for the Centre for Educational Development at the Republic Polytechnic, Singapore. Glen is a founding member of the Polytechnic (2002) and has helped to direct the institution in respect to its unique approach to problem-based learning. Glen specialises in working with individuals, groups of teachers, departments, faculties, and institutions in curriculum design and the creation of assessment systems that foster and measure learning. He has worked in many parts of the world including Australasia, the Americas and Europe. He is the editor of the popular newsletter Reflections on PBL, and will chair the 2009 International Symposium on PBL. He is also member of the International Advisory Committee for the Pan American PBL Association.


Hasmig Chahinian, Ph.D.

Hasmig Chahinian holds a PhD in children’s literature and is in charge of the Arab world in the International Division of the French national centre for children’s literature - La Joie par les livres, a service of the French national library. She collaborates to La Joie par les livres’ various publications and works on promoting reading and children’s literature in the Arab countries and in France. She also organises training sessions for the professionals.


Mohamed Adel Serhani, Ph.D.

Dr. Mohamed Adel Serhani received his Master in computer science (Specialization Software Engineering) from University of Montreal, Canada in 2002. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2006, from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He is currently an assistant professor in the college of Information Technology, U.A.E University, Al Ain, U.A.E. His research area is on Web Services Engineering that includes service selection and discovery, service lifecycle, QoS integration in SOA, End-to-End QoS management for Web services, QoS and Web services composition. He also worked on the application of artificial intelligence techniques mainly fuzzy logic to software engineering, object-oriented metrics, and software quality. He served as member of committee program and/or reviewer in the following conferences (IIT’05, ISWS’05, IIT’06, IRMA’06, IA’2006, CSA’06, WCNC’07, IASIS’07, ICOMP’07, GCA’07, IIT’07, ICOMP’08, IIT’08, etc.). He has published one book, around 40 papers in conferences, journals and book chapters. He has been involved/supervised many projects during the last 6 years on the area of Software Engineering, E-commerce, and Web services. 



الدكتور كامل سليم الدلاّل

. 1999 مدير إدارة الشؤون التربوية في جمعية المقاصد الخيرية الإسلامية في بيروت منذ العام
.عضو في هيئة متابعة خطة تقييم وتطوير المناهج التربوية -
.عضو في عدد من الجمعيات العلمية والتربويةالمحلية والإقليمية والدولية -
. دكتوراه في الفلسفة في العلوم التربوية – تعليم العلوم -
أستاذ محاضر في الجامعات اللبنانية الوطنية والخاصة، في مقررات تعليم العلوم والفيزياء، وفي المبادئ التربوية وطرائق- .التعليم والتقويم والإدارة التربوية
نظّم العديد من ورش العمل التدريبية حول طرق التعليم ووضع وتطوير المناهج والقيادة التربوية والإشراف على التعليم- .والمهارات العملية في تعلّم الرياضيات والعلوم، والتقصي في تعليم العلوم، ودور التكنولوجيا في تعلّم العلوم
.أنجز العديد من الدراسات والأبحاث التربوية وأنتج العديد من المؤلفات في تعليم الفيزياء والعلوم وفي البحث الإجرائي-

هنادي دية

استشارية لبرامج تعليم اللغة العربية. عملت منسقة وإدارية ومسشارة لمناهج اللغة العربية في المدارس الأميركية والدولية.في دول عدة: لبنان، عمان، مصر وقطر. كما وتدير حلقات تدريب لأساتذة اللغة العربية في المؤتمرات العالمية والمدارس

رأست السيدة هنادي دية لجنة الاستشارات العربية في مجلس المدارس الأميركية في الشرق الأدنى وجنوب آسيا
التي أصدرت السلسلة المتصلة لمهارات اللغة العربية وأشرفت على قسم اللغة العربية في مؤتمر (NESA)
(AERO+) في البحرين. السيدة هنادي شاركت في وضع معايير اللغات العالمية ضمن مشروع (NESA)

للسيدة دية مؤلفات عدة. فقد أعدت برنامج تعليم اللغة العربية لمرحلة رياض الأطفال استناداً إلى نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة لـ “هوارد جاردنر”. وأيضا اشرفت على “كتاب العربية”: سلسلة لتعليم العربية بالاستناد إلى المعايير العالمية للمرحلة الابتدائية. كما ألفت عدة قصص للأطفال.


عادل الضبع

محاضر دولي - رئيس قسم اللغات العالمية بالكلية الأمريكية بالقاهرة - قام بالعمل كمذيع في اتحاد الإذاعة والتلفزيون المصري واشتمل عمله على تقديم النشرات والبرامج والإعداد والترجمة. يعمل مستشاراً ومدرباً لبعض المدارس الدولية كما يعمل أيضاً خبيراً لغوياً في عالم سمسم باللغة العربية. عمله كرئيس قسم اللغات يشتمل على إدارة اللغة الإسبانية واللغة .الفرنسية واللغة العربية في القطاعات الثلاثة الأولى والمتوسطة والمتقدمة. عاد مؤخراً من رحلته الدراسية في الولايات .المتحدة الأمريكية حيث كان يحاضر في جامعة لوزيانا


سلطان ناصر الدّين

متخصّص في اللّغة العربيّة، طرائق تدريسها.
.متخصّص في التّربية-
. مؤلّف كتب لتعليم الأطفال-
.وسائل سمعيّة ووسائل سمعيّة بصريّة-.
.ألعاب تربويّة-
.باحث تربويّ لُغَويّ-
. خبير تدريب في المجال التّربويّ والمجال الاجتماعيّ-
.محاضر في الإرشاد التّربويّ والتّوعية الاجتماعيّة-.
. عضو لجنة التّقييم في المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء -لبنان-
. المنسّق العامّ للّغة العربيّة في ثانويّة الرّوضة -لبنان-
. كاتب، ومن مؤلفاتِه: نصوص مسموعة، علّميني ياحياة، شباب دائم، دبابيس، مَشاهد ملّونة، فنّ الإصغاء-

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A Rearden Educational Conference